Sensors & Transducers
A Versatile Technology Based on Deep Reactive Ion Etching and Anodic Bonding for the Applicationof Micromixers and Microfilters
Maria J. LOPEZ-MARTINEZ1  Jose A. PLAZA1  Mohamed AGOUZOUL2  Mourad TAHA JANAN3  Michael LEE4  Abdelhamid ERRACHID4  Nicole JAFFREZIC-RENAULT4  Nadia ZINE4  Safae MERZOUK4  Chiraz JAAFAR MAALEJ5  Abdelhamid ELAISSARI5 
[1] Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona, IMB-CNM (CSIC), Campus UAB, 08193, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain ;Université Mohamed V Agdal, Ecole Mohammadia d’Ingénieurs, ERD3M, avenue Ibn Sina, BP 765, Rabat, Morocco ;Université Mohamed V Souissi, Ecole Normale Supérieure de l'Enseignement Technique, 10100 Rabat Morocco;Université de Lyon, Institute des Sciences Analytiques (ISA) UMR 5280, 5 rue de la Doua Villeurbanne Cedex, 69100, France ;Université de Lyon, Laboratoire d'Automatique et de Génie des Procédés (LAGEP) – UMR 5007, 43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, 69622, Villeurbanne, France ;
关键词: Deep Reactive Ion Etching;    Anodic Bonding;    Silicon;    Micromixer;    Microfilter.;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A technology for the fabrication of silicon micromixers and microfilters is presented with their applications being analyzed. The versatility of this technology is observed with the use of two different photolithographic masks where active microfluidic components have been developed. The silicon micromixers and microfilters were developed and manufactured by photolithography (PL) and deep-reactive ion etching (DRIE) and then bonded onto sand-blasted glass wafers by anodic bonding. The fluidic flow within the specialized microchannel was observed under an optical microscope with micromixing using two differently colored dyes and the microfiltration of poly (D, L lactic-co-glycolic acid) microparticles (MP-PLGA) for size-sorting and separation Finally, the microfiltering device was injected with a whole blood sample for the separation of larger leukocyte cells.

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