Progress in Responsible Financial Inclusion : Global Mapping Report and Selected Case Studies
International Finance Corporation ; German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development ; Deutsche Gesellschaft fü ; r Internationale Zusammenarbeit
This report aims to stimulate discussionon the ongoing industry debate, challenges and the growingbenefits of financial sector stakeholders working togetherto serve clients responsibly. It updates global responsiblefinance initiatives and builds on previous stocktakingreports to take a deeper look at implementation ofresponsible finance principles across the three pillars,highlighting emerging trends in consumer protectionregulation, financial institutionsself-regulation, andclient financial education. This report is based on theglobal mapping methodology and reflects responses receivedfrom a survey of the community of practice. A list ofrespondents in the survey can be found in the beginning ofthe report. Survey participants were asked to describe theirresponsible finance initiatives, and nominate innovativecases across the three pillars that could be featured in thereport. Case studies were selected from the responses to theglobal mapping survey.The criteria for case selection forthis report included: (1) initial implementation results;(2) emerging evidence and lessons learned; (3) potential forscale and replicability; and (4) a balance of initiativesacross the three pillars. Case study contributors wereinterviewed to provide insights, challenges, and key lessonslearned. The report also includes case studies from theglobal mapping and other sources that illustrate topicsdiscussed. The global mapping exercise showed severalencouraging trends across the three pillars of responsiblefinance that respond to challenges identified duringResponsible Finance Forum III.