Modelling in Science Education and Learning
Contribuciones de la modelización al desarrollo de las competencias básicas
关键词: Modelling;    Competencies;    Classroom management;    Math projects;    Math investigations;    Assessment;   
DOI  :  10.4995/msel.2013.1842
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

For many years modelling activities have not been a common practice in the classroom despite having a wide recognition of their educational interest. Burkhardt i Pollack (2006) justify it by a lack of supporting materials and Antonius et al. (2007) indicate an insufficient guidance on teaching strategies. From this starting point some ideas are proposed to overcome these difficulties. The article is organized in three sections. In the first section shown relationship between modelling and curriculum. Moreover, the catalan curriculum is highlighted as it promotes mathematical projects, in the secondary education. In fact, project research (Projecte de recerca) and Research work (Treball de recerca) are two compulsory subjects in Catalonia which fit in with modelling activities. The second section, some activities are shown that can serve as an example to teachers. And also the teaching of skills in modelling activities. The last section shows the contributions of modelling activities to the development of basic competencies of current curriculum thus increasing their interest.

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