Towards an Analytic Approach to Evaluate Enterprises' Risk Exposure to
Squicciarini, Anna ; Casassa Mont, Marco ; Dev Rajasekaran, Sathya
HP Development Company
关键词: Social Networking;    Enterprise;    Risks;    Threats;    Modelling;    Simulation;    Identity Analytics;    Security Analytics;    Data Leakage;   
RP-ID  :  HPL-2009-138
来源: HP Labs
【 摘 要 】

This paper aims at exploring the impact on enterprises of the adoption of Social Networks by employees. It analyses the risks that enterprises could face and suggests a methodology to answer questions, such as: what are the actual risks for an organization, given a specific context? How to assess these risks? What are the most significant approaches that can be taken to mitigate them? What are the financial and organizational implications for an organization in implementing any of the possible approaches?

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