The main objective of this report is toanalyze student learning in Colombia in order to fosterpolicies to improve education quality that are grounded inresearch and the Colombian context. In 2006, Colombiaparticipated for the first time in the Programme forInternational Student Assessment (PISA) of the Organizationfor Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), whichprovides an important opportunity to benchmark the qualityand equity of its education system globally and to informits education policy. Using the PISA results, this reportcalls attention to the need for improved student learning inColombia and provides new analytical work on the factorsassociated with learning in Colombia and other participantcountries. Based on an assessment of the current state ofthe Colombian education system (chapter first), a review ofthe relevant literature (chapter second), an analysis ofPISA (chapter third), and the report concludes with a set ofpolicy options that may inform a future agenda for systemdesign and reform (chapter fourth).