The main objective of this report is toanalyze the effect of time changes and factors associatedwith student achievement in Colombia in order to fosterpolicies to improve education quality that are grounded inresearch and the Colombian context. In 2007, Colombiaparticipated for the second time in the Trends inInternational Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS),providing a first-time opportunity to analyze the effects oftime changes on student achievement over a period(1995-2007) during which a number of education reforms weremade. Using the TIMSS 2007 results offers a chance to deepenthe study on the factors associated with learning inColombia and to benchmark Colombia's education systemagainst that of other countries. This effort began duringthe first phase of the Colombia Programmatic Quality andRelevance of Education Analytic and Advisory Activities(AAA), in which an analysis of Colombia's debut in the2006 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA),resulted in publication of, 'the quality of educationin Colombia: an analysis and options for a policyagenda' report (hereafter, 'PISA report').The present report builds on this work through an analysisof Colombia's participation in TIMSS 2007 in relationto its performance on TIMSS 1995, and reaffirms the urgentneed for improved student learning outcomes in Colombia,further confirming a number of the policy options putforward in the PISA report to inform a future agenda forsystem design and reform.