In low income countries, poor health andmalnutrition are critical underlying factors for low schoolenrolment, absenteeism, poor classroom performance anddropout; all of which act as important constraints incountries efforts to achieve Education for All (EFA) and theeducation Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In theGreater Mekong Sub-Region (GMSR), the education and healthsectors have long recognized that school health andnutrition programs can address the basic health problemsfaced by their schoolchildren. More recently, life skillsmodules and HIV prevention education are being introduced topromote positive and healthy behaviors. The currently lowlevels of HIV infection in the GMSR make a focus onprevention all the more timely. The aim of this document isto share emerging promising practice in the field of schoolhealth and nutrition within the GMSR and to informgovernments, development partners and other organizationsthat recognize the need to harmonize activities and alignassistance. It aims to strengthen the network of schoolhealth, nutrition and HIV/AIDS Ministry of Education FocalPoints and further the establishment of a sound community ofgood practice in the sub-region. The document includesdescriptions a wide range of different activities from thesix GMSR countries of Cambodia, China (Yunnan Province), LaoPeople's Democratic Republic (PDR), Myanmar, Thailandand Vietnam.