Nepal is a partner to the internationalcommitment to achieve the goals of Education for All (EFA)and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. Effortshave been made through the EFA National Plan of Action2003-2015 and School Sector Reform Program (SSRP) to achievethe EFA goals and the MDGs. Over the last few years, Nepalhas demonstrated progress in some of the indicators relatedto children s participation in school. The Department ofEducation (2012) has reported that the primary education NetEnrolment Rate (NER), Grade 1 Net Intake Rate (NIR), Grade 5Survival Rate (SR), and Dropout Rate (DR), are 95.3, 91.2,84.1, and 5.2 percent respectively. However, it will bedifficult to close the bigger gaps of 4.7, 8.8, 15.9, and5.2 percent of the NER, NIR, SR, and DR respectively by2015. The challenge lies in the large number of school-agedchildren who do not attend formal primary schooling.Likewise, a significant number of students repeat grades andthose promoted may have low achievement. Realizing thisbleak educational scenario, Nepal has been focusing more onaccess to quality education for the children of economicallymarginalized people through equity measures (scholarshipsand incentives). These children belong to the poorest groups(Wagley, September 2013, The Himalayan Times), such as thedisadvantaged and the deprived communities of urban squattersettlements. Many reasons have been identified for thephenomenon of out-of-school children, including poor familyeconomic conditions, an unfavorable school environment,socio-cultural beliefs and traditions, parentsnotrecognizing the importance of education, inaccessibleschools for children with disabilities, parents unwillingness, corporal punishment and children s domesticresponsibilities (Scheuermann 2013). Other factors listed ascontributing to primary level dropout are violence in schoolsuch as corporal punishment by teachers (Nepal, DoE 2010),children s domestic responsibilities, and an unfavorableschool environment (Nepal, DoE 2012). In this context, inparticular, children in urban squatter settlements face moresevere adversities and risks as most are deprived ofgovernment services because of a lack of official national identification.