Recently, there has been increasedattention to data use in the international public healthcommunity. At the global level there have been majorinvestments in data collection for public health programs.However, there is concern that such data are not being used.Data and information lack value unless they are used toinform decisions. Interventions that increase local demandfor information and facilitate its use enhanceevidence-based decision making. Data use therefore, iscritical to improving the effectiveness and sustainabilityof the health system. Data quality is poor and use ofavailable data is low in India's health sector. Thecurrent study focuses on issues of data use. It aims to shedlight on how data are used for decision-making at differentlevels of the health sector in India and to highlightimpediments to improved data utilization. This report isorganized in five sections. The survey design, instrumentsand the data collection process will be described in thenext section. Findings including measurement of data use,perceived data use issues, skills assessment of respondentsand ranges of actual decision making are presented insection three. Section four presents a number of hypothesesand discusses their implications. The last section providesconclusions and recommendations.