The mission of the Agency of theRepublic of Kazakhstan on Statistics (ARKS) is to providethe Kazakh government, businesses and individuals withreliable and accurate statistics collected and produced inline with the international methodology and best practice. AStatistical Master Plan (SMP) is the internationallyaccepted, standard starting point for comprehensiveimprovement activities. With the participation of dataproviders, users, other national stakeholders andinternational donors, the ARKS has produced this SMP for theperiod up to 2015. The SMP builds upon existing nationalstrategies and capabilities. It establishes and prioritizesdata needs and sources. The SMP has two objectives: (1)present a strategy for the Kazakh National StatisticalSystem (KNSS) development over the period to 2008-2015 andhow it can be implemented; (2) provide a baseline assessmentof the KNSS as the basis for strategy formulation. The SMPprovides the basis and justification for investments by theARKS and other government statistical agencies inimprovements to the statistical infrastructure and program.It includes information that is vital to senior managers inpreparing budget requests. The SMP was prepared by the ARKSwith the assistance of a team of international expertsfunded by the World Bank who worked in conjunction withARKSsenior management and other stakeholders. Thepreparation process involved intensive consultation andinput from the full range of stakeholders. In addition itbenefited from close cooperation from a concurrent KNSSGlobal Assessment by a UNECE Study Group.