The objective of this assessment of thePhilippine Statistical Development Plan (PSDP) is to providerecommendations on how to improve the preparation,implementation, coordination, monitoring, and evaluation ofthe next PSDP during 2011-16. The report also gives twoapproaches to getting better treatment for the PhilippineStatistical System (PSS) from the Department of Budget andManagement (DBM), which supervises personnel levels underExecutive Order (EO) 366. One is to petition for theearliest possible approval of the rationalization planssubmitted by the Major Statistical Agencies (MSAs), inasmuchas the effects of EO 366 are much more benign after thanbefore the approval of a rationalization plan. The other isto lobby with the National Economic and DevelopmentAuthority (NEDA) for a declaration that statistics are apriority need, so that statistical development begins to beseen as a tool for improved governance and not as aregrettable burden on the budget. In addition, the reportexamines to what extent and how donor agencies could helpwith the financing of the next PSDP. Finally, with regard tothe design of the next PSDP, the report recommends a muchbriefer document of about 100 pages than the most recent onewith 700 pages. This can be achieved in part by relying moreexplicitly on the multi-year plans of the MSAs, so that thePSDP can focus on strategic issues, key priorities andbudget requirements, cross-sectoral issues, and thedevelopment of statistical activities outside the MSAs.