This document proposes a set ofgenerally applicable recommendations and good practices forcreating a Mineral Rights Cadastre (MRC), an administrativebody responsible for overseeing the process of granting andmanaging mineral licenses throughout a country. The documentreviews lessons learned from World Bank-funded projectsaimed at reforming mineral rights management and assessesthe impacts and benefits of the implemented changes. Thedocument focuses on the MRC system as a key regulatoryagency of mining sector administration. This study is alsointended to fill a gap in the literature on mining sectoradministration, as few publications since roughly the 1930shave been dedicated to the overall analysis of MRCs,particularly in relation to modern and recent miningcadastral practices. While the overall concepts andprinciples presented in this document are intended to beuniversally valid and applicable, there is no singlesolution to mining sector development, and it would beunrealistic to believe that actions that have beensuccessful in one country can be directly transferred toothers. The MRC of any given country will need to be adaptedto that particular country's culture, tradition,existing legal framework, development capacity, and otherfactors. This document describes the trade-offs that may benecessary to arrive at an acceptable solution; using casestudies, it also highlights concrete applications that canbe recommended, based on typical country circumstances.