The last few years have seenconsiderable research and applications in the areas ofPublic-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and electronic-government(e-government). Rather than attempting to redefine theseareas, or considering them as two distinct paradigms, theauthoring of this Knowledge Map (KM) and its accompanyingHandbook is an effort to bring a certain degree ofconvergence, and see whether PPPs are, or can be, effectiveinstruments for e-government initiatives in a country. Theincreasing emphasis on e-government is often directlyattributed to the fact that the use and application ofInformation and Communication Technologies (ICT) are nowcommonly accepted as powerful engines for economic growth.As governments embrace ICT as a means to accelerate thedevelopment process this also becomes foremost in thereforms agenda, and in their delivery of services tocitizens, businesses, civil society organizations, and othergovernment agencies. This 'public-private partnershipsin e-government: knowledge map' is designed to be anintroductory guide to PPPs for public officials responsiblefor e-government initiatives. It is for those who areseeking to enhance the quality, efficiency, andaffordability of those initiatives by employing PPPs.