Africa's precise growth and povertyreduction was the result of increased external resources, abuoyant global economy and crucially improved economicpolicies. Although it is still the world's poorestregion, the prospects for resuming growth are good.Additional resources and further policy reforms could launchthe continent on a path of sustained growth and povertyreduction. Africa is the world's poorest region andfaces development challenges of monumental proportions.Nevertheless, the continents prospects for resuming growthare good because policy reforms generated relative rapideconomic growth and poverty reduction before the globalcrisis, and because policy makers by and large continued topursue these policies during the crisis. It also means thatthere is increasing political support for pro-poor reformsthe very reforms that will help the continent address thechallenges of infrastructure improvement, job creation,governance, and shrinking aid. If the internationalcommunity continues to support Africa, the combination ofadditional resources and policy reforms could launch thecontinent on a path of sustained, rapid growth and poverty reduction.