Over the last three years, the team forAction Research on Sustainable Microfinance Institutions inAfrica has assisted local rural and micro-financeinstitutions to improve their delivery of financial servicesto the poor in rural and urban areas. Supported by SwissTrust Funds, the program covers six countries in Sub-SaharanAfrica - Ghana, Cameroon, Kenya, Ethiopia, Mozambique, andZambia. The program's emphasis is on capacity buildingat the national level through distilling and disseminating'best practices' and strengthening local networksof rural and microfinance providers. The five year programhas the objectives of : (i) documenting current practices offinancial service providers in rural areas, and assess theeffectiveness of innovative techniques; (ii) creating andstrengthening national networks of rural and micro-financeinstitutions as a forum for mutual learning and dialogue;(iii) improving the capabilities of institutions to deliverfinancial services to the poor on a sustainable basis; and(iv) establishing a mechanism for World Bank staff as wellas donors to support effective, innovative institutions thatreach the poor.