How do you achieve advisory servicesresults on a shoestring budget and two staff? The manyvariables involved in managing and growing any regionalprogram, including significant time spent in procuringexpertise and short-term consultants, and in fund-raising toreduce the time available for project delivery. Thesenecessary distractions shift the focus away from managingclient relationships and achieving impact. And, at times,they can affect the quality of outputs. This smart lessontalks about using strategic partnerships to help balance theexternal and internal factors while expanding outreach andremaining responsive to clients. With this approach our teamhas gone from 'how do we make it through this financialyear without a drop in client satisfaction and lowsupervision results' to 'our clients are sopleased that they're talking with International FinanceCorporation (IFC) CEO Lars Thunell about expanding their IFC relationship!'