The present report is the finaldeliverable of the consulting study, an energy pricingstrategy for Egypt, undertaken for the Government of Egyptwith World Bank financing. The purpose of the report isthreefold: to provide an overview and summarize key aspectsof the project, and integrate the main findings that havebeen presented in a series of separate reports developedduring the project; to provide specific recommendations forenergy prices and levels, the transition path to fullcost-reflective prices and the mitigation support toaccompany the pricing reform; and to provide an overview ofthe organizational arrangements and key actions forimplementing the energy pricing strategy. The present reportcomprises of the following sections: section one givesintroduction, section two provides an overview of keyelements of the study, including its objectives and tasks,the rationale for reforming energy prices, and themethodology for determining cost-reflective prices andassessing the impact of implementing them. Section threecontains the recommended energy prices over the suggestedtransition period, together with the subsidies that continueto apply during the transition, and proposals for modifyingprices in accordance with movements in key price-determiningparameters. Section four sets out the minimum levels of cashcompensation that the authors recommend are provided toeligible households for the mitigation of negative impactsduring the reform and transition period. Section fivediscusses the organizational arrangements for implementing,monitoring and evaluating the energy pricing strategy. Thefinal section contains the action plan for implementing the strategy.