Bulgaria implemented sweepingdecentralization and efficiency-focused reforms in basiceducation in 2007 and 2008. The education system adjusted tothe negative demographic trends by optimizing the network ofschools (closing and merging schools), introducingper-capita based financing and delegating significantfinancial and decision-making autonomy to school principals.This policy reform package produced a number of benefits forthe education sector; it accrued savings of over 100 millionBGN and increased wages by 46 percent and reallocation ofresources for capital investment (World Bank 2010). Despitethe government's impressive achievements in terms ofspending efficiency and high enrollment, lingering concernsremain about the quality and equity of the education system.The country has seen a negative trend in student learningoutcomes as measured by international assessments. At therequest of the Government of Bulgaria, the World Bank hasimplemented its newly developed tool for assessment andbenchmarking of policies and programs affectingteacher's effectiveness Systems Approach for BetterEducation Results (SABER) teachers. The key findings andpolicy options outlined in the present report are intendedto inform the finalization of the new draft law and thedevelopment of the bylaws regulating teachers' policiesin Bulgaria. This report presents results of the applicationof SABER-teachers in Bulgaria. It describes Bulgaria'sperformance in each of the eight teacher policy goals,alongside comparative information from education systemsthat have consistently scored high results in internationalstudent achievement tests and have participated inSABER-teachers. Additional detailed descriptive informationon Bulgaria's and other education systems' teacherpolicies can be found on the SABER-teachers website.