A new tool, systems approach for bettereducation results (SABER) teachers, aims to help fill thegap by collecting, analyzing, synthesizing, anddisseminating comprehensive information on teacher policiesin primary and secondary education systems around the world.SABER teacher's collects data on 10 core teacher policyareas to offer a comprehensive descriptive overview of theteacher policies that are in place in each participatingeducation system. To offer informed policy guidance SABERteachers analyzes the information collected to assess theextent to which the teacher policies of an education systemare aligned with those policies that research evidence todate has shown to have a positive effect on studentachievement. SABER teachers analyzes the teacher policy datacollected to assess each education system's progress inachieving eight teacher policy goals: (1) setting clearexpectations for teachers; (2) attracting the best intoteaching; (3) preparing teachers with useful training andexperience; (4) matching teachers' skills withstudents' needs; (5) leading teachers with strongprincipals; (6) monitoring teaching and learning; (7)supporting teachers to improve instruction; and (8)motivating teachers to perform. By classifying countriesaccording to their performance on each of the eight teacherpolicy goals, SABER teachers can help diagnose the keychallenges that countries face in ensuring they haveeffective teachers.