The Wenchuan earthquake affected 20cities, 158 counties, and 3,655 towns and villages.Geographic and demographic conditions varied significantlyfrom small, rural villages to county-level cities, as didthe magnitude of the physical damages. The reconstructionstrategy and plan, inclusive of land management, depended onthe conditions specific to each locale, from in situreconstruction for the cities and towns with limited damagein relatively safe locations to the possibility of physicalrelocation from high- to low-risk locations that is, totalreconstruction. This land management note focuses inparticular on how to efficiently provide land to theWenchuan earthquake-affected population and more generallyon land management issues. It is based on two World Bankworks: (i) a study entitled, 'the spatial organizationof cities: deliberate outcome or unforeseenconsequence?" and (ii) the ongoing Sichuan UrbanDevelopment Project, where new urban land in peri-urbanareas is being developed through rational spatialdevelopment planning.