In many developing countries numerousambitious reform agendas have faltered and failed to havesignificant impact on the ground, often creating acounterproductive 'reform fatigue'. Mostgovernments have at their disposal detailed assessments oftheir investment climate and are able to identifyweaknesses. However, expert diagnostics and political willalone are not enough to succeed in reforming the investmentclimate. Reform initiatives often get bogged down because ofa lack of institutionalized inter-ministerial coordination,open public-private dialogue, and efficient projectmanagement.Best reformers worldwide have taken intoaccount this implementation challenge. Recent studies havedemonstrated that, in addition to establishing a performinghigh-level decision-making body, these countries havedeveloped a full-fledged reform process that includes adedicated reform team at the center of government and astructured dialogue mechanism with the private sector tobetter coordinate reform identification and implementation.As highlighted in the 2008 report of the commission ongrowth and development: 'making policy is only part ofthe battle. Policies must also be faithfully implemented andtolerably administered.'