Effectively addressing grievancesfrom people impacted by World Bank projects is a corecomponent of managing operational risk and improving aproject s results. Grievance redress mechanisms (GRMs) canbe an effective tool for early identification, assessment,and resolution of complaints on projects. Understanding whenand how a GRM may improve project outcomes can help bothproject teams and beneficiaries improve results. However,there is little data available on the prevalence, quality,or impact of GRMs in existing World Bank projects. This noteprovides a snapshot of current usage of GRMs in World Bankprojects, a qualitative assessment of selected GRMs, andrecommendations for improved risk management via GRMimplementation and design. The goal of the review is toprovide project staff and managers with: (i) a quantitativeoverview of current GRM application in project design; (ii)qualitative assessment of GRM implementation issues; and(iii) recommendations for improved risk management via GRMdesign and implementation.