The World Bank-supported ChhattisgarhDistrict Rural Poverty Reduction Project (CGDPRP), alsocalled locally as Nawa Anjor (New Light), aims at improvingopportunities for poor and vulnerable communities inChhattisgarh State. To achieve this goal, the projectcreates infrastructure and income opportunities for therural poor, empowers disadvantaged groups, and helps localgovernments1 become more responsive and effective inassisting the poor. CGDPRP sought to develop a performancemonitoring and rating system to build local governmentcapacity, especially the Gram Panchayats (GPs). In thiscontext the project experimented with the use of theCommunity Score Card (CSC) for identifying crucial issuesthat affect local service delivery, measure usersatisfaction, empower village citizens (especially the poorand women), and rate the performance of GPs. This notesummarizes the findings, processes, concerns, and lessonslearned from the Chhattisgarh pilot.