The main aim of the CPIP is to assessthe current state of pubic procurement in West Bank and Gazain the form of a ''snap shot'' andaccordingly, to provide a partial assessment, broadly alongthe lines of the OPCS paper that would address the followingobjectives. First, to assess the latest progress with regardto the procurement reform recommended by the 2004 CPAR andthe commitment of the Palestinian Authority (PA) to pursuethe reform. Next, to report on the link between publicsector procurement and the local private sector, in terms ofcompetitiveness, performance, constraints, and commercialpractices affecting public procurement. Finally, compile aset of recommendations that would strengthenprocurementarrangements and functions under future Bank-financedoperations in the WB&G.These could also serve as basisto suggest specific improvements in current procurementprocesses, as well as next steps towards the achievement ofa procurement system that meets internationally recognizedstandards.