As market reforms to the Mongolianeconomy continue and the country enjoys rapid economicgrowth, the environment has entered a period ofunprecedented pressure. Mining, infrastructure developmentand tourism development, in particular, are undergoing rapidexpansion, and all pose risks to Mongolia's globallyimportant biodiversity. In order to strengthen its safeguardreview process in Mongolia, specifically implementation ofits operational policy on natural habitats, the World Bankcontracted Birdlife Asia to identify important areas ofnatural habitat in the country, and assess the extent towhich these areas overlap with development plans. BirdlifeAsia undertook this study in close collaboration with theWildlife Science and Conservation Center (WSCC) of Mongolia.The study looked at the extent of overlap between sites ofconservation importance on the one hand, and mininglicenses, major infrastructure plans, and tourist camplocations on the other. It determined the scale of overlapat the national level, provided a strategic overview ofpotential impacts, and identified particular sites wherethere is cause for concern. Recommendations were made forhow environmental issues arising might be addressed,including examples of guidance and best practice fromoutside of Mongolia.