Oman has focused on increasing studentlearning outcomes by improving the quality of education inthe country. An effective student assessment system is animportant component of efforts to improve education qualityand learning outcomes because it provides the necessaryinformation to meet stakeholders’ decisionmaking needs. Inorder to gain a better understanding of the strengths andweaknesses of its existing assessment system, Oman decidedto benchmark this system using standardized tools developedunder The World Bank’s Systems Approach for Better EducationResults (SABER) program. SABER is an evidence-based programto help countries systematically examine and strengthen theperformance of different aspects of their education systems.The key policy areas for the student assessment status areas follows: (i) Classroom Assessment; (ii) Examinations;(iii) National Large-Scale Assessment (NLSA); and (iv)International Large-Scale Assessment (ILSA).