The Arab Republic of Egypt has focusedon increasing student learning outcomes by improving thequality of education in the country. An effective studentassessment system is an important component of efforts toimprove the quality of education and learning outcomesbecause it provides the necessary information to meetstakeholders’ decision-making needs. To gain a betterunderstanding of the strengths and weaknesses of itsexisting assessment system, Egypt decided to benchmark thissystem using standardized tools developed under The WorldBank’s Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER)program. SABER is an evidence-based program to helpcountries systematically examine and strengthen theperformance of different aspects of their education systems.The key policy areas for this student assessment status forEgypt are as follows: (i) Classroom Assessment; (ii)Examinations; (iii) National Large-Scale Assessment (NLSA);and (iv) International Large-Scale Assessment (ILSA).