Remarksdelivered by Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank Group, atGoethe University, Frankfurt, Germany, discuss applying the world’s best ideas, knowledge, and experiencein development to accomplish the World Bank Group’s twin goals of endingextreme poverty by 2030, and boosting shared prosperity. Hespeaks about helping the poor and vulnerable in low- andmiddle-income countries in the world not only for povertyreduction within their borders, but is important for growtharound the world, especially going forward. He talks aboutthe strategy to invest in people, especially througheducation and health. He stresses investments in girlsand women as particularly important because they havea multiplier effect on the well-being of the extreme poor.He speaks about protecting people from deadly pandemicsespecially in developing countries. He insists the studentsthat they must apply what they have learned, and must do, forthe sake of the poorest, for the children, and for the sakeof our humanity.