This second edition covers the year 2014and the first quarter of 2015 and presents the economicoutlook for 2015–2017. Beyond the review of recent economicdevelopments, the report highlights the main results of theWorld Bank’s analytical work in the Republic of Congo withthe aim to promote the consistency of the country’s economicpolicies in the medium and long term. This edition covers avariety of macroeconomic topics, from policies and economicindicators for the real sector to public finance, themonetary position and the external sector. It shows thatCongo’s economy grew strongly in 2014 despite thesignificant decline in the price of oil. The lower oilprices will have an even greater impact in 2015 as theybring down domestic demand. Moreover, this edition looks inparticular at the impact of volatile oil prices on thecountry’s economy, emphasizing the most appropriate fiscalpolicies in this context.