Grenada has faced various socioeconomicchallenges within the last decade, including the destructionwrought by Hurricane Ivan in 2004 and the global financialcrisis. As a result, economic indicators for Grenadaillustrate unfavorable. Increases in the poverty andunemployment rates, especially among the youth and youngadults. This report presents an assessment of theregulatory, legislative, and institutional landscapegoverning workforce development (WfD) in Grenada. Theresults of this analysis are based on a newly designedanalytical tool developed by the World Bank under theSystems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER)initiative. The aim of this initiative is to garner data soas to provide systematic documentation and assessment of thepolicy and institution factors that influence theperformance of education and training systems ofSABER-participating countries. The SABER-WfD toolencompasses initial, continuing, and targeted vocationaleducation and training that are offered through multiplechannels, and focus largely on programs at the secondary andpost-secondary levels. The results of the assessmentpresented in this report are expected to assist inclarifying priorities. They classify the WfD systemaccording to four stages of maturity in policy andinstitutional development, as follows: (1) Latent, (2)Emerging, (3) Established, and (4) Advanced.