Since Vietnam launched its economicreforms in 1986, the country has enjoyed more than twodecades of rapid economic growth with concomitant reductionsin poverty. In the coming years, as Vietnam looks tostrengthening its global competitiveness and sustaining itsrecord of rapid growth, it faces critical challenges. Poorlabor market outcomes and low productivity remain importantconcerns that stem in part from the paucity of job-relevantskills among workers and the limited opportunities forworkers to acquire or enhance their skills. The government sresponse to these challenges is encapsulated in two keydocuments which align closely with the country s Strategyfor Socioeconomic Development approved by the NationalAssembly. The first is the Human Resource Development (HRD)Strategy (2011 2020), approved in 2011, which definesstrategic targets for workforce development and offersguidance and solutions to meet the targets. The seconddocument, the Vocational Training Development (VTD) Strategy(2011 2020), approved the following year, sets forth aroadmap for achieving specific targets in vocationaleducation and training (VET).