In 2005, the World Bank Group (WBG)formally introduced the results framework in the countryassistant strategy (CASs) as a key tool for improving thequality of the WBG's strategy in borrowing membercountries, maximizing the development effectiveness of WBGassistance, and demonstrating measurable results ofinternational aid in fostering growth and reducing poverty.These results matrices define the outcome indicators andmilestones for tracking WBG program progress and mid-coursecorrective actions, fulfilling important accountability aswell as learning objectives. The results-based CAS approachhas brought several benefits including the focus on results,better alignment between the WBG country engagement andnational priorities, and flexibility in instruments toaccommodate programming for the increasingly diverse set ofBank clients, including International DevelopmentAssociation (IDA), International Bank for Reconstruction andDevelopment (IBRD), and fragile countries. The matrix systemat work and RAP 2013, have demonstrated that a weak CASresults framework is a key determinant of unsatisfactoryoutcome performance at the country program level. Theobjective of this note is to provide suggestions forimprovement in results frameworks for country strategiesbased on an independent evaluation group (IEG) analysis ofWBG's country strategies approved during FY2008-14 andthe CAS completion report (CASCRs) prepared by country teamsduring FY2012-14.