Acting Today for Tomorrow : A Policy and Practice Note for Climate- and Disaster-Resilient Development in the Pacific Islands Region, with Supporting Research, Analysis, and Case Studies
Pacific island countries continue to beamong the most vulnerable in the world: they combine highexposure to frequent and damaging natural hazards with lowcapacity to manage the resulting risks. Their vulnerabilityis exacerbated by poorly planned socioeconomic development,which has increased exposure and disaster losses, and byclimate change, which has increased the magnitude ofcyclones, droughts, and flooding. Currently, inefficientmanagement of risks negates development gains and incurslarge costs for national and local governments. Progress inreducing vulnerability has been retarded in part because offundamental problems with coordination and cooperation amongrelevant actors at all levels. 'acting today fortomorrow' provides case studies, data, and analysisfrom the Pacific region to make a case for climate-anddisaster-resilient development as being the most appropriateway to address the above challenges. It outlines what theconsequences are of not acting today to reduce risk, whatimportant lessons have emerged from the last decade, andwhat must be done to move toward resilient development inPacific island countries. The document is intended for anaudience of practitioners and policymakers at all levelsacross all relevant sectors. Its analysis andrecommendations are meant to inform disaster risk reduction(DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) planning across arange of institutions. Over the last decade, some importantlessons have emerged about what works, and what does notwork, to reduce vulnerability. It is clear now thatproject-based DRR and CCA initiatives with relatively shorttime frames encourage fragmented efforts, inhibit carryoveracross initiatives, and ultimately do little to reduceunderlying vulnerability in a lasting way. To achieve robustand effective political authority, leadership, andaccountability for more resilient development, governmentsshould anchor coordination of DRR and CCA in a high levelcentral ministry/body both at national and regional levelsand ensure that leaders are knowledgeable about disaster andclimate risk management.