The disruption to logistics and freightnetworks endangers trade and distribution of essential goodsto combat the crisis and foster the recovery. Governmentsshould work in coordination with logistics and retailindustry, with a view to ensure continuity of shipping, air,trucking, and warehousing capacities at critical gatewaysand hubs and along trade corridors. The short-term responseby governments and the private sector must go beyondaddressing the immediate crisis and draw out the pathtowards economic resilience of the sector. Countries shouldalso coordinate with key trading partners at thesub-regional or international level on policies such asincreased e-services at ports and green express lanes fortruckers. Countries should not install additional controlson transit commerce. Instead, border control and inspectionsshould be streamlined and harmonized, based on internationalstandards. To manage and ensure functioning of essentialtransport services, firms can use fewer workers and followsocial distancing and other good health practices.