Characterization of Epitaxial Growth of Semiconducting Rhemium 'Disilicide' Films.
Misra, A. ; Verdier, M. ; Mitchell, T. E. ; Mahan, J. E.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Epitaxial growth;    Semiconductor materials;    Rhenium silicides;    Epitaxy;    Crystal growth;   
RP-ID  :  DE2001763325
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

We have characterized, through transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the ReSi(sub 2-x) thin films grown by reactive deposition on (001) Si. ReSi(sub 2.x) thin films exhibit a distorted body-centered tetragonal MoSi(sub 2)-type structure, and have excellent epitaxy on (001) Si since the face diagonal of the Si unit cell is equal to the c lattice parameter of silicide. The Si-deficient composition in the 'disilicide' may be accommodated by collapse and shear of missing Si planes to form planar faults. Kirkendall voids are also observed at the film-substrate interface. The engineering of the defect and interface structures of these complex, non-stoichiometric silicides for optimized optoelectronic properties are discussed.

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