Amasya İlahiyat Dergisi
Osmanlı´nın Son Dönemlerinde Denizli´de Yaşanan Bazı İhtida Örnekleri Üzerinde Bir Değerlendirme
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关键词: ottoman;    denizli;    non-muslim;    conversion;    convert;    rum priest;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The reasons why a person leave his own religion, which he has been exposed to since his birth, and although all the reaction of the social environment, why he converts to another religion are examined by religion psychology and sociology experts. Obviously, there are many factors in adopting a new religion. These rea-sons can be classified in these sections: the religion indoctrinated by parents may not be fulfilling, negative attitudes of the performers of that religion, positive atti-tudes of the performers of the new religion and the desire to live in this environ-ment, desire to marry a person adopting another religion, expecting material benefit or social status, being influenced by religious advices and being exposed to a shock event. In this study, on the basis of archive documents and mainly Religious Registry Books, we focus on converts living in Denizli from 1875 to 1920, when non-muslims were relocated.

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