Nutrition & Metabolism
The impact of ATP-binding cassette transporters on metabolic diseases
Zixiang Ye1  Yifei Lu1  Tao Wu1 
[1] Center of Chinese Medical Therapy and Systems Biology, Institute of Interdisciplinary Integrative Medicine Research, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;
关键词: ATP binding cassette transporters;    Metabolic diseases;    Obesity;    Atherosclerosis;    T2DM;    Tangier disease;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12986-020-00478-4
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Currently, many people worldwide suffer from metabolic diseases caused by heredity and external factors, such as diet. One of the symptoms of metabolic diseases is abnormal lipid metabolism. ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters are one of the largest transport protein superfamilies that exist in nearly all living organisms and are mainly located on lipid-processing cells. ABC transporters have been confirmed to be closely related to the pathogenesis of diseases such as metabolic diseases, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease based on their transport abilities. Notably, the capability to transport lipids makes ABC transporters critical in metabolic diseases. In addition, gene polymorphism in ABC transporters has been reported to be a risk factor for metabolic diseases, and it has been reported that relevant miRNAs have significant roles in regulating ABC transporters. In this review, we integrate recent studies to examine the roles of ABC transporters in metabolic diseases and aim to build a network with ABC transporters as the core, linking their transport abilities with metabolic and other diseases.

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