International Conference on Materials Engineering and Science
Obesity Study among Secondary School Students at Duhok City
Ibrahim, Ahmad H.^1 ; Dahham, Saad S.^2 ; Al-Muffti, Shamal A.^3 ; Al-Rawi, Sawasan S.^4
Faculty of Sciences, University of Zakho, Kurdistan, Region, Iraq^1
Saad Sabbar Dahham, University of Al Restuk, Restuk, Oman^2
Shmal Abdulah Al-Muffti, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq^3
Sawasan S Al-Rawi, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Regin, Iraq^4
关键词: Body mass index;    Childhood obesity;    Liver functions;    Metabolic syndromes;    Obesity;    School students;    Secondary schools;    teenager;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/454/1/012165/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/454/1/012165
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Obesity has become a significant worldwide contributor to morbidity with an alarming increase in incidence of childhood obesity. Risk factors for this disease include diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome. Few studies have evaluated the impact on teenage obesity in seconder School Students in Kurdistan Region-Iraq. This study aims to evaluate school children obesity, overweight and underweight among students of secondary school in the region of Kurdistan, Iraq. In this study, 200 teenage students aged 12-19 were included. The height and weight of the children were measured. The children Body Mass Index (BMI), BMI z-scores and obesity status was determined. The results indicated that 7% of the teenage tested were obese and 33% were overweight and 6% were underweight. BMI were positively associated with other healthy children in the tested group with weight of 54 % and their healthy status of liver function status. While negatively results associated with obese statues of fat liver. Monitoring, child food intake and encourage them to eat healthy food will positively associated with normal child's weight status and decrease liver diseases and death in the future.
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