Renal Replacement Therapy
An increase in circulating levels of branched-chain amino acids during hemodialysis with regard to protein breakdown: three case reports
Hiroyuki Terawaki1  Masako Fujiwara1  Itiro Ando1  You Shishido2  Yutaka Imai3 
[1] Department of Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center;Midorinosato Clinic;Tohoku Institute for Management of Blood Pressure;
关键词: Branched-chain amino acids;    Cell starvation;    Diabetes mellitus;    Glucose transporter;    Hemodialysis;    Insulin;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s41100-021-00391-3
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Background Hemodialysis (HD) is a protein catabolic event. However, the amino acid (AA) kinetics during HD sessions involved in protein breakdown have not been well investigated in patients with and without diabetes mellitus (DM). Case presentation Three patients (two patients with DM and one patient without DM) underwent fasting HD. Plasma levels of branched-chain AAs (BCAA; leucine, isoleucine, and valine), major non-essential AAs (alanine and glutamine, including glutamate), insulin, and ketone bodies were measured every hour during each HD session. After the start of the HD session, the plasma levels of insulin and all BCAAs dropped simultaneously. There was a significant subsequent increase in the plasma level of leucine and isoleucine levels, while valine levels remained constant. However, the recovery in levels of BCAAs during HD indicated a profound amount of BCAAs entering the blood from body tissues such as muscles. BCAAs may have surpassed their removal by HD. Ketone body levels increased continuously from the start of the sessions and reached high values in patients with DM. Synchronous changes in insulin depletion and an increase in the levels of ketone bodies may indicate disruption of energy metabolism. Conclusions This is the first report to demonstrate the time course of the changes in circulating levels of BCAAs and related metabolites in energy homeostasis during HD. An increase in BCAA levels during HD was found to be due to their transfer from the body tissue which suggested protein breakdown.

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