Room Temperature Ni(II) Catalyzed Hydrophosphination and Cyclotrimerization of Alkynes
RuthL. Webster1 
[1] Department of Chemistry, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK;
关键词: catalysis;    nickel;    β-diketiminates;    hydrophosphination;    phosphines;    alkenes;    alkynes;   
DOI  :  10.3390/inorganics6040120
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The catalytic activity of nickel complexes in hydrophosphination involving secondary phosphines is not a commonly studied transformation. Beyond a small number of stand-out examples, many reports in the literature focus on the use of simple nickel salts. β-Diketiminates have been proven to be incredibly effective ligands for catalysis using a range of metal centers. This synthetic study investigates the catalytic ability of a Ni(II) β-diketiminate complex in the hydrophosphination of alkenes and alkynes, with a serendipitous discovery of its ability to effect alkyne cyclotrimerization and phosphine dehydrocoupling.

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