Pourquoi tant de malls à Téhéran ?
关键词: urban production;    political economy;    financialisation;    Iran;    shopping mall;   
DOI  :  10.4000/echogeo.15333
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A massive surge in the number of shopping centres took place in Tehran at the turn of the 2010’s. Dating back to the 1990’s, this phenomenon persists even though these very centres turn out to be barely profitable. Set in a political economy of urban production framework, and based on the results of a research enquiry with retail property professionals led in Tehran and Dubai, this paper aims at explaining these dynamics. Its main hypothesis is that the proliferation of these buildings is not related to business strategies but to their quality of financial assets, allowing fast, substantial land-based profits. This land-use issue is to be put in perspective with, first, the centrality of real estate sector in Tehran through recent history ; second, the upheavals of this sector and municipal budget resources which have lead investors and the municipality to favour retail property ; third, the recent rise of a para-public sector capable of investing in such big projects. Thus, some paradoxical aspects of metropolisation and liberalisation in Iran are made visible by analysing the stakeholders’ role in Tehran’s malling.

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