The Communication for Governance andAccountability Program (CommGAP) was established in 2006 asa global program to confront challenges which createbarriers to achieving effective and sustainable governanceoutcomes. In particular, CommGAP was created to addressspecific c gaps that undercut the quality of governancereform efforts: a structural gap, a process gap, and acapacity gap. The structural gap, produced by theinsufficient recognition of the public sphere as anessential part in securing good governance andaccountability, leads to a narrow, fragmented approach inthe design and approach of many governance reform programs.The process gap is one that arises from a lack of applicableprocesses to deal effectively with political economy issuesand people-related challenges due to vested interests andstakeholder resistance to change. The capacity gap dealswith the problem of the meager capabilities amongresearchers, development and communication practitioners ingovernment agencies, NGOs or private firms in ways thathinder their ability to provide effective and strategicsupport in the implementation of governance reform programs.