FEBS Letters
Synthesis and differentially regulated processing of proinsulin in developing chick pancreas, liver and neuroretina
Pérez-Villamil, Beatriz1  de Pablo, Flora1  Alarcón, Cristina1  Serna, José1 
[1]Department of Cellular and Developmental Biology, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, C.S.I.C., Velázquez 144, Madrid 28006, Spain
关键词: Proinsulin;    Insulin;    Convertase;    Neurogenesis;    Chick embryo;    HPLC;    high performance liquid chromatography;    IGFs;    insulin-like growth factors;    IgG;    immunoglobulin G;    RT-PCR;    reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction;    SDS;    sodium dodecyl sulfate;    TFA;    trifluoracetic acid;   
DOI  :  10.1016/S0014-5793(98)01168-5
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

Regulated preproinsulin gene expression in non-pancreatic tissues during development has been demonstrated in rodents, Xenopus and chicken. Little is known, however, about the synthesis and processing of the primary protein product, proinsulin, in comparison with these events in pancreas. Using specific antisera and immunocytochemistry, immunoblot and HPLC criteria, we characterize the differential processing of proinsulin in developing neuroretina, liver and pancreas. The chick embryo pancreas expresses the convertase PC2, and largely processes proinsulin to insulin. In contrast, little or no mature PC2 is present in embryonic liver and neuroretina and the (pro)insulin immunoactivity identified is predominantly proinsulin.

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