American Journal of Applied Sciences
Integration of Anti-Corruption Education in School’s Activities | Science Publications
Didin Saripudin1  Kokom Komalasari1 
关键词: Anti-Corruption Education;    School's Activities;    Civic Education;    Contextual Teaching and Learning;   
DOI  :  10.3844/ajassp.2015.445.451
来源: Science Publications
【 摘 要 】

The eradication of corruption is a long process, not onlythrough law mechanism but also establishing new philosophy in form of seedingthe logical reasoning and new values of free-corruption through formaleducation. By education, the character of anti-corruption will be created suchas cultivating honesty, hard working, bravery, responsibility, independence,simplicity, justice and tolerance values. The article will describe how theanti-corruption education is integrated in school activities in Indonesia,namely in civic education and the habituation program at school. Articles basedon the results of a naturalistic inquiry in middle and high school implementinganti-corruption education in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Therefore, thecontent of anti-corruption education material is included in civic educationsubject curriculum. Anti-corruption learning in civic education subject is donethrough contextual teaching and learning and value learning approaches. Besidesthat, module of anti-corruption education, customization of anti-corruption valuethrough honest canteen practice and creating anti-corruption climate atschools.

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