The Science of Making Torque from Wind 2014
Investigation of the effect of bending twisting coupling on the loads in wind turbines with superelement blade definition
Gözcü, M.O.^1 ; Kayran, A.^1
METU Center for Wind Energy, METUWind, Middle East Technical University, 06800, Ankara, Turkey^1
关键词: Bending twisting coupling effect;    Bending-twisting coupling;    Comparative studies;    Damage equivalent loads;    Geometrically nonlinear;    Multi-body dynamic modeling;    Multi-body dynamic simulation;    Wind turbine systems;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/524/1/012040/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1742-6596/524/1/012040
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Bending-twisting coupling in the composite blades is exploited for load alleviation in the whole turbine system. For the purpose of the study, inverse design of a reference blade is performed such that sectional beam properties of the 3D blade design approximately match the sectional beam properties of NREL's 5MW turbine blade. In order to appropriately account for the bending-twisting coupling effect, dynamic superelement of the blade is created and introduced into the multi-body dynamic model of the wind turbine system. Initially, a comparative study is conducted on the performance of wind turbines which have blades defined as superelements and geometrically nonlinear beams, and conclusions are inferred with regard to the appropriateness of the use of superelement blade definition in the transient analysis of the 5MW wind turbine system that is set up in the present study. Multi-body dynamic simulations of the wind turbine system are performed for the power production load case with the constant wind and the normal turbulence model as external wind loadings. For the internal loads, fatigue damage equivalent load is used as the metric to assess the effect of bending-twisting coupling on the load alleviation in the whole wind turbine system. Results show that in the overall, through the bending-twisting coupling induced with the use of off-axis plies in the main spar caps of the blade, damage equivalent loads associated with the critical load components can be reduced in the wind turbine system.

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