6th Digital Earth Summit
Calculating the Marine Gravity Anomaly of the South China Sea based on the Inverse Stokes Formula
Liu, Liang^1,2,3 ; Jiang, Xiaoguang^1 ; Liu, Shanwei^4 ; Zheng, Lei^4 ; Zang, Jinxia^4 ; Zhang, Xuehua^2,3 ; Liu, Longfei^1,2,3
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
100049, China^1
National Disaster Reduction Center of China, MCA, Beijing
100124, China^2
Satellite Application Center for Disaster Reduction, MCA, Beijing
100124, China^3
China University of Petroleum, Qingdao
266580, China^4
关键词: Altimeter data;    Cross point;    Gravity anomalies;    Marine gravity;    Military affairs;    Satellite altimetry;    Ship observations;    South China sea;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/46/1/012062/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/46/1/012062
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Marine gravity field information has a great significance for the resource, environment and military affairs. As a new way to get marine gravity data, the satellite altimetry technique makes up for what ship measuring means lack. The paper carries out the researches on how altimeter data applied for calculating marine gravity anomaly based on inverse Stokes formula. In the article, the editing of 14-track Jason-1 data over South China Sea for 7 years is for collinear processing and cross-point adjustment. The inverse Stokes formula and fast Flourier transform technique are applied to calculate marine gravity anomaly of the region (0°∼23°N, 103°∼120°E), and to draw gravity anomaly map. Compared with the gravity anomaly by ship observation, RMS is 12.6mGal, and single altimetry satellite has a good precision.

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