International Scientific Conference «AGRITECH-2019: Agribusiness, Environmental Engineering and Biotechnologies»
Protected plants of Siberian forest-steppe ecosystems
Antipova, E.M.^1 ; Antipova, S.V.^1
V P Astafiev Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University, 89 Ada Lebedeva street, Krasnoyarsk
660028, Russia^1
关键词: Anthropogenic effects;    Forest species;    Natural forests;    Nature monuments;    Nature reserves;    Plant communities;    Siberian forest;    Vascular plant;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/315/7/072003/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/315/7/072003
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Protection of Red Book plants in the forest-steppes of Central Siberia (Krasnoyarsk, Kansk and Achinsk) is carried out in nature reserves and nature monuments of regional significance, as well as a result of preserving landscapes in general, and, consequently, plant communities, without which conservation of rare plant species in nature is impossible. The aim of the work was the analysis of protected flora species of forest-steppe ecosystems of Central Siberia. The object of the analysis is a synopsis of the vascular plants of the forest-steppe, compiled on the basis of the collections of the plants of Herbarium named after L M Cherepnin (KRAS), collected by the authors from 1985 to 2018 by methods of local floras and model sections. There are 106 protected species, among which 31 are endemic taxa, 17 species of relict origin (5 relics are endemics), 19 species at the boundary of ranges (16 species at the border of ranges-relics and endemics). Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk-Kansky, Altai-Sayan, Altai-Sayan-Mongolian, South Siberian, Yeniseyian, Tuvino-Khakassia-Krasnoyarsk, South-West Siberian and Siberian ones were found among the Red Books of endemic and hemiendemic species of forest-steppes. Tertiary relics are mainly forest species of the immoral complex, steppe relics-Pliocene and aquatic. Relics of the Pleistocene age are represented by glacial and forest-steppe. The low category of rarities in many species, including relics and endems, is associated with the boundary of their ranges. Compared to the whole Krasnoyarsk Territory, the share of species 0 and 1 of rarity categories is increased, which indicates a strong anthropogenic effect on the natural forest-steppe ecosystems of Central Siberia.

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