Resolution CONAM No. 1 establishing Declaration of Compliance for Agricultural and Livestock Activity (DCAA) and listing agro-silvopastoralism activities exemption from environmental licensing within the Federal District.
关键词: Pollution control;    Authorization/permit;    Procedural matters;    Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings;    Environmental standards;    Forest management/forest conservation;    Forest species;    Forestry protection measures;    Agro-forestry;    Pastoralism;   
【 摘 要 】

This Resolution, consisting of 6 articles, establishes Declaration of Compliance for Agricultural and Livestock Activity (DCAA) and lists agro-silvopastoralism activities exemption from environmental licensing within the Federal District. Declaration of Compliance should meet the following cumulative criteria: a) having reduced polluting/degrading potential; b) do not imply the suppression of native vegetation, the intervention in areas of permanent preservation or legal reserve; c) grant the ri

【 授权许可】


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