Regional Decree No. 502-P validating the Regulation on state natural reserve of regional significance “Great Pashkin”.
关键词: Protected area;    Ecosystem preservation;    Protection of habitats;    Monitoring;    Research;    Forest management/forest conservation;    Forestry protection measures;    Forest species;    Planting material/seeds;    Management/conservation;    Wild fauna;    Wild flora;    Biodiversity;    Endangered species;   
【 摘 要 】

This Regional Decree establishes that state natural reserve of regional significance “Great Pashkin” shall be constituted with a view of conservation natural complexes and maintenance of ecological balance. The reserve shall perform the following functions: (a) conservation of high-yielding cedar forests and rare and ancient wild fauna and wild flora species related thereto; (b) collection of cedar seeds for ensuring the functioning of forest nurseries; (c) conservation of rare and endangered wi

【 授权许可】


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