Forest Conservation and Management Act, 2016 (No. 34 of 2016).
关键词: Ecosystem preservation;    Climate change;    Framework law;    Basic legislation;    Forest management/forest conservation;    Forestry protection measures;    Afforestation/reforestation;    Forest service/forest officers;    Institution;    Policy/planning;    Non-governmental entity;    Special fund;    Classification/declassification;    Timber extraction/logging;    Forest species;    Community management;    Protection forest;    Public forest;    EIA;    Traditional knowledge/indigenous knowledge;    Traditional rights/customary rights;    Private forest;    Contract/agreement;    Enforcement/compliance;    Offences/penalties;    Grazing/transhumance;    Mining;    Water conservation zone;    Protected area;    Endangered species;    Protection of species;    Wetlands;   
【 摘 要 】

This Act makes provision for the conservation and management of public, community and private forests and areas of forest land that require special protection, defines the rights in forests and prescribes rules for the use of forest land. It also makes provision for community participation of forest lands by community forest association, the trade in forest products, the protection of indigenous forests and the protection of water resources.

【 授权许可】


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